Monday 13 August 2007

The many amazing Benefits of Emu Oil by timon weller

Wonders of Emu Oil
Many people from around the world are effected by many health ailments. Of these people alot are seeking alternatives other than going straight for the prescription shelves. One of the most healing substances is emu oil, a natural anti inflammatory oil that can be used for a large array of ailments. Apart from its beauty enhancing benefits eg fine lines it has helped many arthritis sufferers. Below are some of the benefits of emu oil.

Athritis Pain Relief With Emu Oil
Through Scientific Studies, Emu Oil is being proven to be amazing in the healing of pain and inflammation caused by Arthritis and many other ailments.

Because of Emu Oils natural Arthritis pain relief qualities and Arthritis treatment qualities, research and Studies have been ongoing, finding more uses for emu oil. Extensive Research has been documented by many medical studies and personal experiences.

Emu Oil has been proven through many Medical and Research studies in Australia and U.S. for the way it can reduce inflammation of the joints. Great news for Arthritis sufferers.
Because of Emu Oils natural Large amounts of Linolenic and Oleic acid, known to ease joint pain and be an anti- inflammatory its benefits to humans are outstanding.
Emu Oil has been proven to be hypo- allergenic which means its suitable for all humans, and pets. Through modern studies on Emu Oil many scientists believe more benefits will be discovered and proven for the many uses of this oil. Testimonials show many already.

In a study done by Dr. Thom Leahey of the Arthritis Clilnic in Ardmore, Oklahoma, significant reduction in arthritic pain was noted. " Emu oil users reported in this 2 week study a significant reduction in pain, morning stiffness and swelling." reported Leahey.

Omega 3 and 6 Benefits of Emu Oil
Emu Oils Omega 3 and Omega 6 is a great source of EFA's,- (its fatty acids that are over 70% unsaturated). EFA's are essential to normal body function and can only be obtained from the diet. The body cannot construct them from other fats. EFA's have been proven to be a great aid in cases of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. (The recommended dosage: one tsp. (5 ml.) per day.)

Anti Wrinkle and Anti Aging Benefits of Emu Oil
Emu oil is used in burn clinics around the world to prevent scarring from burns. What they found at burns clinics and Medical Studies was not only its ability in healing in burns was its natural ability to reduce wrinkles and fine lines.Our facial skin care product and emu oil range , we use as much emu oil in our products to ensure the maximum benefits of the oil .For the ultimate in skin hydration and anti wrinkle therapy give your skin what it must have to reproduce correctly.

Emu oil and it's uses have been around for a very long time.
Evidence shows that Australian Aborigines used emu oil for relief of pain, to help heal wounds and to protect their skin from the harsh elements of the Outback.

In Recent years since emu oil is becoming widely used it has praised for it's intense moisturizing properties, anti-wrinkle effects and anti-inflammatory properties.

Hair Loss and Emu Oil

The Oil of Emu has been heralded in cosmetics because of its ability to repair skin as well as its anti-wrinkle, anti-bacteria and anti dht hormone hair loss properties.
Studies have shown that Hair Loss is reduced with regular use of Emu Oil or Emu Oil Shampoo on your hair. Recent studies in Australia show that it is also not harmful to pets and the same problems can be reduced with Hair Loss on them.
Here are some of the many benefits of this unique oil, for more info go to

About the Author

For more info on emu oil, skin rashes or the benefits of Emu Oil go to